Claim.Submission for CCAD

Claim.Submission for CCAD


Use the following template to fill in claims: (template) Claim.Submission CCAD.xlsx

Data description

The table below describes each column in the expected Excel file. Both xls or xlsx formats are supported. 

WorksheetColumnMandatoryDescriptionPossible Values
Generated ClaimsSender IDYesThe license number of a healthcare entity that is the sender of the transaction.
Receiver IDYesThe license number of a healthcare entity that is the receiver of the transaction.
Payer IDYes

If the patient is claiming insurance cover, this is the Insurer's license number. 

Other values:

  • If the patient is claiming insurance from an Insurer not included in the list of valid licenses - '@' followed by the name of the Insurer;
  • If the patient is paying directly for services provided - 'SelfPay';
  • If the patient neither claims insurance nor pays directly for services provided - 'ProFormaPayer';
  • 'MedicalTourismSelfPay';
  • 'MedicalTourismOther'.


https://www.doh.gov.ae/en/Shafafiya/dictionary > Licenses > Insurers
Provider IDYesThe facility license number of the healthcare provider claiming from the payer. If the provider has no valid license number, the provider is '@' followed by the name of the provider.https://www.doh.gov.ae/en/Shafafiya/dictionary > Licenses > Facilities
Patient File NoYesThe unique number a healthcare provider assigns to the patient. This is often known as the medical record number.
Member IDYesThe patient’s insurance member number if the patient is claiming insurance. Otherwise, it equals to Provider ID#Patient File No.
Emirates IDYes

The unique number the government assigns to a citizen.


When Emirates ID is not available:

  • 000-0000-0000000-0 - National without card;
  • 111-1111-1111111-1 - Expatriate resident without a card;
  • 222-2222-2222222-2 - Non national, non-expat resident without a card;
  • 999-9999-9999999-9 - Unknown status, without a card.
Start Date and TimeYesThe date and time at which an activity started. For a DRG code, it is the date and time of discharge. If the date, but not the time is recorded, the time is assumed to be 00:00. mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
Encounter TypeYesThe type of encounter (inpatients, daycases, emergencies, and outpatients). They vary according to whether the encounter went past midnight, lasted for more than 24 hours, involved a hospital bed and whether they involved an emergency room.

1 = No bed + No emergency room
2 = No bed + Emergency room
3 = Inpatient bed + No emergency room
4 = Inpatient bed + Emergency room
5 = Daycase bed + No emergency room
6 = Daycase bed + Emergency room
7 = Nationals screening
8 = New visa screening
9 = Renewal visa screening
12 = Home
13 = Assisted living facility
15 = Mobile unit
41 = Ambulance - land
42 = Ambulance - air or water

Encounter Start TypeYesThe type which defines how the encounter started.

1 = Elective 
2 = Emergency
3 = Transfer admission from acute care
4 = Live birth
5 = Still birth
6 = Dead on arrival
7 = Continuing encounter
8 = Transfer admission from non-acute care

Insurance PlanNoBenefit package name.https://www.doh.gov.ae/en/Shafafiya/dictionary > Codes > Benefit Packages
Patient NameNoFirst name and last name of the patient.
EmailNoPersonal email address of the patient.
MobileNoMobile number of the patient.
Principal Diagnosis CodeYesA diagnosis code that identifies the principal diagnosis for the condition established after examination, the nature of a disease or illness.
Secondary Diagnosis Code 1 ... Secondary Diagnosis Code NNoA diagnosis codes that identify all conditions co-existing at the time of admission, or developing subsequently which affect the treatment received and/or the length of stay. 
Activity TypeYesThe type of an activity/procedure. 3 = CPT
5 = Trade Drug
6 = Dental
8 = Service Code
9 = DRG
Activity CodeYesAn activity code, specified by its type for the activity performed.
QuantityYesThe number of units for an activity.NNN.DDDD
GrossNoTotal charges for an activity.
Patient ShareNoAny fee that payer is expecting the provider to collect from the patient.
NetYesThe net charges billed by the provider to the payer for an activity. 
Ordering ClinicianYesThe license number of the clinician who ordered the service or referred the patient for the service.https://www.doh.gov.ae/en/Shafafiya/dictionary > Licenses > Clinicians
ClinicianNoThe license number of the clinician responsible for the activity. In general, this is the person providing the treatment or care for the patient.https://www.doh.gov.ae/en/Shafafiya/dictionary > Licenses > Clinicians
Prior Authorization NoNoThe corresponding prior authorization number.
Rx DateYesDate of prescription.mm/dd/yyyy
Rx NumberYes

Prescription number.

Refill NumberYesPrescription fill counter.whole number >= 0
Total RefillsYesTotal prescribed refills.whole number in the range 0 - 3
Lawson No.NoLawson number.
DoseYesNumber of units per the prescribed dose.
Dose TypeYesThe type of the drug dose.
  • unit
  • ml
  • drop
  • app
  • puff
  • IU
  • spray
FrequencyYesThe number of dosing interval per time unit of the dispensed medication.whole number >= 0
Frequency TypeYesUnit of time defining the frequency of the drug dose.
  • 18H, 36H
  • D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D
  • W, 2W, 3W, 4W, 5W, 6W, 7W, 8W
  • M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 7M, 8M, 9M, 10M, 11M
  • Y
  • PRN
DurationYesDuration of the treatment of the dispensed medication in days.whole number >= 0
Rx InstructionsNoThe prescription / order instructions on how the dispensed medication should be taken by the patient.free text
Disease ScoreNoThe disease score.whole number in the range 0 - 100
Disease Score TypeNoThe disease score type.
  • IGA
  • EASI

Self-pay patients

If a patient pays directly for the services provided (pays out of pocket), then the following values must be set:

  • Receiver ID = HAAD
  • Payer ID = SelfPay (note that the value is case sensitive)
  • Member ID = Provider ID#Patient File No (e.g. PF2761#12345)

Template: (template) Claim.Submission CCAD SelfPay.xlsx

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