Claim.Submission Riayati

Claim.Submission Riayati


Use the following template to fill in claims: (template) Claim.Submission - Riayati.xlsx

Data description

The table below describes each column in the expected Excel file. Some columns are always required (Mandatory = Yes), some are optional, and some are conditional (depend on data entry).

WorksheetColumnMandatoryDescriptionPossible Values
ClaimsSender IDYesThe license number of a healthcare entity that is the sender of the transaction. 
Should be synchronized with LMU License ID.

Receiver IDYesThe license number of a healthcare entity that is the receiver of the transaction. Should be synchronized with LMU HIC or TPA ID.
Payer IDYes

HIC or Self Paid ID allowed licenses registered in the Riayati LMU.

HIC or Self Paid License if Receiver ID is TPA.

  • If Receiver ID is HIC, Payer ID must be equal to Receiver ID.
  • If Payer ID is SP, Receiver ID must be TPA.

Claim IDYes

A unique number assigned by a healthcare provider to identify the claim. This is also known as the provider’s claim reference number. 

If the patient is not insured and pays out of pocket (SP), this is the external invoice reference number.

ID PayerNoA unique number assigned by an insurer to identify the claim. It helps the provider and payer to locate the claim.

Claim type. Can be:

  • Submission - normal claiming (original claim);
  • Resubmission - resubmission entry (correction or internal complaint);
  • Prescription - dispensed prescription.
Member IDYesThe patient’s insurance member number if the patient is claiming insurance. 
Dispensed IDNo

Dispensed number. Required if Type = Prescription.

Provider IDYesThe facility license number of the healthcare provider claiming from the payer. 
WeightNoThe patient's weight.Float with max 2 digits in the decimal part (for example, 50.0, 76.70)
National ID NumberYes

The unique number the government assigns to a citizen. Also knows as Emirates ID or EID.


When National ID Number is not available:

  • 000-0000-0000000-0 = National without a card;
  • 111-1111-1111111-1 = Expatriate resident without a card;
  • 222-2222-2222222-2 = Non-national, non-expat resident without a card;
  • 999-9999-9999999-9 = Unknown status, without a card.
Reference NumberNoThe unique number assigned to the request dispense. This is the Reference Number for eRx. Required if Type = Prescription.
Date Of BirthYesThe date of birth of the patient.dd/mm/yyyy
GenderYesThe patient's sex.Male
Facility IDYesThe license number of the facility responsible for the encounter.
Encounter TypeYesThe type of encounter (inpatients, day cases, emergencies and outpatients). They vary according to whether the encounter went past midnight, lasted for more than 24 hours, involved a hospital bed and whether they involved an emergency room.1 = No bed + No emergency room
2 = No bed + Emergency room
3 = Inpatient bed + No emergency room
4 = Inpatient bed + Emergency room
5 = Daycase bed + No emergency room
6 = Daycase bed + Emergency room
7 = Nationals screening
8 = New visa screening
9 = Renewal visa screening
12 = Home
13 = Assisted living facility
15 = Mobile unit
41 = Ambulance - land
42 = Ambulance - air or water
Patient IDYesThe unique number a healthcare provider assigns to a patient. This is often known as the medical record number.
Encounter StartYes

The date and time at which the patient comes under the care of a responsible clinician.

  • For Elective patients, this will typically be the date and time of the visit registration/admission on arrival of the patient at the healthcare facility.
  • For Emergency patients, this will typically be the date and time of the registration and admission on arrival of the patient at the healthcare facility.
  • For Transfer patients between facilities (i.e. inter-hospital transfers), this will typically be the date and time of the visit registration and admission on arrival of the patient at the receiving healthcare facility.
  • For Livebirth this will typically be the date and time of the registration and admission of the newborn at the healthcare facility. The Encounter start will also be the date and time of birth.
  • For Stillbirth this will typically be the date and time of the registration of the stillborn at the healthcare facility. The Encounter start will also be the date and time of stillbirth.
  • For Death on arrival, this will typically be the date and time of the visit registration on arrival of the patient at the healthcare facility for pronouncement. 
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Encounter EndNo

The time the patient ceases to be under the direct care of a responsible clinician.

  • For inpatients and day patients this would be the discharge date and time.
  • For emergency patients this would be the time that the patient was released from the ER. 
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Encounter Start TypeNoThe type which defines how the encounter started.

1 = Elective 
2 = Emergency
3 = Transfer admission from acute care
4 = Live birth
5 = Still birth
6 = Dead on arrival
7 = Continuing encounter
8 = Transfer admission from non-acute care

Encounter End TypeNoThe type which defines how the patient was discharged. 1 = Discharged with approval
2 = Discharged against advice
3 = Discharged absent without leave
4 = Discharge transfer to acute care
5 = Deceased
6 = Not discharged
7 = Discharge transfer to non-acute care.
Transfer SourceNoThe license number of a healthcare facility from where a hospital transfer originated (Encounter Start Type = 3). 
Transfer DestinationNoThe license number of a healthcare facility to which a hospital transfer is made at the end of an encounter (Encounter End Type = 4). 
Resubmission TypeNoThe type of resubmission of a claim. 

internal complaint

Resubmission CommentNoThe comment left by the provider during the resubmission, e.g. explanation of the reason for such action.
Resubmission AttachmentNoThe required attachment which needs to be added during resubmission to prove a claim.Extension: pdf
DiagnosesClaim IDYesReference to Claim ID on Claims worksheet
Diagnosis TypeYes

The type of diagnosis being recorded.

  • Principal - Identifies the principal diagnosis for the condition established after examination, the nature of a disease or illness.
  • Secondary - All conditions that co-exist at the time of admission, or develop subsequently, which affect the treatment received and/or the length of stay. 


Diagnosis CodeYesThe value for the diagnosis code as per the ICD10-CM coding manual.ICD10-CM
Dx Info TypeNoThe type of additional information for the diagnosis: POA or Present on Admission (present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs). 


Dx Info CodeNo

The code value related to the DxInfoType.

  • Y = Yes, present at the time of inpatient admission;
  • N = No, not present at the time of inpatient admission;
  • U = Unknown, documentation is insufficient to determine if condition is present on admission;
  • W = Clinically Undetermined, provider is unable to clinically determine whether condition was present on admission or not;
  • 1 = Unreported/Not used, exempt from POA reporting;
  • OP = Outpatient, this is an outpatient claim which does not require DRGs.

Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
W = Clinically Undetermined
1 = Unreported/Not used
OP = Outpatient

ActivitiesClaim IDYesReference to Claim ID on Claims worksheet
Activity IDYesUnique identifier of activity within a claim.
Activity StartYesThe date and time at which an activity started. For a DRG code, it is the date and time of discharge. If the date, but not the time is recorded, the time is assumed to be 00:00. dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Activity TypeYesThe type of activity/procedure. 

3 = CPT
5 = Trade Drug
6 = Dental
8 = Service
9 = DRG

Activity CodeYesAn activity code, specified by its type for the activity performed. Should be Sync with LMU.
LocationNoThe location of the activity, used to identify the type of the visit when this service has been dispensed. It is designed to help payer’s differential activities taken / dispensed in the ER versus IP versus discharge prescription versus any other location since each group of activities serviced at different locations are subject to a different set of benefits at the payer.1 = Inpatient
2 = Outpatient
3 = Emergency
4 = Home
5 = Ambulance
6 = Health Campaign
7 = After Discharge
QuantityYesThe number of units for an activity.Float with max 2 digits in the decimal part (for example, 1.0, 5.25)
NetYesThe net charges billed by the provider to the payer for an activity. Float with max 3 digits in the decimal part (for example, 120, 260.125)
Patient ShareNoAny fee that payer is expecting the provider to collect from the patient.Float with max 3 digits in the decimal part (for example, 12, 10.875)

The license number of the clinician responsible for the activity. In general, this is the person providing the treatment or care for the patient. Exceptions:

  • the clinician is the ordering physician for labs, x-rays, prescriptions, other tests;
  • the clinician is the attending consultant physician at the time of discharge of the patient from the hospital if the activity is an inpatient service code.

DurationNoIdentifies the duration in days for the prescribed activity. Required for an activity with Activity Type = 5.Float with max 2 digits in the decimal part (for example, 10.50)
Prior Authorization IDNoThe corresponding prior authorization number.
Dispensed Activity IDNo

Represents the activity ID from the transaction the provider wants to dispense. Required if Type = Prescription.

ObservationsClaim IDNoReference to Claim ID on Claims worksheet
Activity IDNoReference to Activity ID on Activities worksheet
Observation TypeNoThe type of observation.
Observation CodeNoThe code describing the observation value.

LOINC, Description, Modifier, Duration, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, File , UniversalNumberingSystemDental, ActivityGross, PSDeductible, PSCoPayment, PSOutOfPocket, DRGInlierPayment, DRGOutlierPayment, DRGTransferPayment, DRGTotalPayment, ActivityCost, ActivityPatientShare, BundleID, PackageID, ExcludeFromDRG, EncounterID, eRxReferenceNo, Refill, Prescription, OfflineAuthorization

Observation ValueNoThe observed value of the activity. 
Observation Value TypeNoUnit of measure for the observation value.

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