The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Greenrain\Messenger.
Installation may require elevated access (administrator access) to complete the installation.
User may need to bypass any UAC or windows defender controls preventing installation.
User may need to bypass any false positive anti-virus folder modification blocks that may be enabled on the client machine.
The application requires the latest version of .Net framework to be pre-installed.
Installation process
Greenrain Messenger uses standard installation steps.
Launching application
By default, a desktop shortcut is created for the profile used for installation.
Run as administrator option may be required to launch the application if there are group policies or local policies interfering with the application. By default, the application in itself does not have any application specific.restrictions in launching.
User logins
Greenrain Messenger does not have any user logins or user profiles differentiating users using the application.
License is provided by Greenrain to active licensed customers.
This license is entered into the application either on the first run or from the main window.
The license used in the application during activation will be validated on every application launch.
By default, the application is set to download updates from the Internet upon every launch or every 24 hours if the application is kept running/open. However new updates are only downloaded and will be installed only upon relaunch.
Greenrain Messenger uses no databases.
Configuration and its files
Post Office logins
These user-configured logins are provided by DoH or DHA to entities to connect to its portal.
They are configured in the application UI.
Post Office logins are stored in this location C:\Users\Public\Documents\Greenrain\Connectivity.
Passwords are always encrypted.
Log files
The application allows for different logging levels namely
The default level of logging can be set by the user.
Log files can be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Greenrain\Messenger\Log.
Settings files
These files store general application settings.
Settings are configuredin application UI.
Settings are stored in the backend in this location C:\Users\Public\Documents\Greenrain\Messenger.
Config files
These files store general application configurations including default logging level.
Configuration files can be found in the installed directory C:\Program Files\Greenrain\Messenger.
Data files
All other DLL and binaries are stored in the installed directory.
Registry data
As of latest version NO settings are stored in registry any more.
Shafafiya is a government-run portal connecting payers and providers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It is vital to connect to this portal to exchange information.
DHPO is a government-run portal connecting payers and providers in the Emirate of Dubai. It is also vital to connect to this portal to exchange information.
All communication standards between DHPO and connecting entities are defined and governed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).
Greenrain uses a connectivity framework to abide by these standards of communication documented on DHPO website.
The communication file standard is XML as defined by DHPO.
For proper functioning of the application, your IT department must whitelist the URL addresses listed below.
Shafafiya: *, port 443.
DHPO: *, port 443.
Greenrain: *, port 443.
If there is a proxy or firewall blocking the above links then Greenrain Messenger will not launch or function properly.
Data elements exchanged
Data is exchanged between the application and Post Office through a web service.
Data exchange can be categorized into
Upload and download of Claims
Upload and download of Prior requests
Upload and download of Remittances
Upload and download of Person registers.
Data elements exchanged as defined by Post Office specifications may include
Personal or patient demographic details.
Medication details.
Patient history.
Prices and co-payments.
Diagnosis information.
Other codes of importance.
Visit information and dates.
Physician information.
Handling data
Upload and download
Upload of any files is done by sourcing files directly from end-user PC or workstations.
Downloaded files are stored to location selected by the user on the respective PC or workstation.
All data stored on the user's PC is to be protected by the user.
Data Storage
Greenrain Messenger in itself does not use databases and subsequently does not store any entities' data except settings and configuration data including Post Office logins.
Greenrain Messenger in itself does not store any patient data.
All data viewed in the UI rests in the users PC or on the Post Office.
Data communication security and protocols
Messenger communicates with Post Office using calls to web service hosted and run by DHA or DOH.
Greenrain messenger uses the HTTPS protocol to make calls to web services to transfer data.
Greenrain messenger also secures communication between Messenger and Shafafiya using TLS 1.2