DoH Personal Profile

DoH Personal Profile

DoH Personal Profile web service is supposed to provide true details about a particular member so that Person.Register transaction contains correct information.


The following settings are required to be made to automatically update Person.Register transactions: 

1. Configure Post Office Settings tab

Select "Post Office Settings" tab and configure settings:

  1. Set valid credentials for DoH Personal Profile Web Service.

2. Configure Person.Register tab

Select "Person.Register" tab and configure settings:

  1. ‘Automatically update Person.Registertransactions is set;
  2. ‘Flag ‘Is Resident’ is mandaory’ is set.
  3. Click "Save" button.

Automatically update PersonRegister transaction

  1. In order to generate Person.Register transaction the user present data in different ways:
    1. Excel
    2. DataBase
    3. SelectSql
  2. Then GA calls DoH Personal Profile Service for each member using:
    1. either Emirates ID Number or Unified Number to retrieve the demanded data depending on IsResident flag:
      1. IsResident = True or Yes (UAE residents): Emirates ID Number is used to retrieved Personal Profile data.
      2. IsResident = False or No (non UAE residents): Unified Number is used to retrieved Personal Profile data.
    2. Date of Birth;
    3. Passport Number.
  3. Update PersonRegister transaction with data returned from DoH Personal Profile Web Service:
    1. UnifiedNumber;
    2. EmiratesIDNumber;
    3. BirthDate;
    4. PassportNumber;
    5. FirstNameEn;
    6. MiddleNameEn;
    7. LastNameEn;
    8. FirstNameAr;
    9. MiddleNameAr;
    10. LastNameAr;
    11. NationalityCode;
    12. CityCode.
  4. Validate PersonRegister transaction using Validation Rules and send notification.


  1. Incorrect combination of input data (Emirates ID Number Unified Number, Date of Birth, Passport Number): NO DATA FOUND.
  2. IsResident = True or Yes:
    1. Emirates ID Number = NULL or empty: "Emirates ID Number of the member can't be null or empty".
    2. Emirates ID Number Default Emirate ID Numbers: "Emirates ID Number may not have default value 999-9999-9999999-9 for UAE resident. This is DoH requirement to call DoH Personal Profile Service".
    3. Emirates ID Number/Date of Birth/Passport Number combination is incorrect: "INVALID <field name>".
  3. IsResident = False or No:
    1. Unified Number = NULL or empty: "Unified Number is the mandatory field for the non-UAE resident. This is the DoH requirement to call DoH Personal Profile Service."
    2. Unified Number <= 10: "Unified Number can't be less or equal 10."
    3. Unified Number is incorrect/Date of Birth/Passport Number combination: "INVALID <field name>".

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