Alert 10005 (CPT Gender Edits)
Errors in this edit may be generated only if patient gender is known and patient gender is not matching the CPT Gender Edit.
Edit ID: 10005
Error type: ERROR
Error message example 1:
This example is provided for the following scenario:
- CPT code = 00952.
- Patient Gender = Male.
CPT code 00952 may not be used for a male patient.
CPT code 00952 = Anesthesia For Vaginal Procedures (Including Biopsy Of Labia, Vagina, Cervix Or Endometrium); Hysteroscopy And/Or Hysterosalpingography
Error message example 2:
This example is provided for the following scenarios:
- CPT code = 52442.
- Patient Gender = Female.
CPT code 52442 may not be used for a female patient.
CPT code 52442 = Cystourethroscopy, With Insertion Of Permanent Adjustable Transprostatic Implant; Each Additional Permanent Adjustable Transprostatic Implant (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)
Owner object: Activity
Owner object property name: Code
Owner object property value: Value of Activity.Code
Reference object: Claim
Reference object property name: ID
Reference object property value: Value of Claim.ID