Alert 10005 (CPT Gender Edits)

Alert 10005 (CPT Gender Edits)


Errors in this edit may be generated only if patient gender is known and patient gender is not matching the CPT Gender Edit.

Edit ID: 10005

Error type: ERROR

Error message example 1:

This example is provided for the following scenario:

  1. CPT code = 00952.
  2. Patient Gender = Male.

CPT code 00952 may not be used for a male patient.


CPT code 00952 = Anesthesia For Vaginal Procedures (Including Biopsy Of Labia, Vagina, Cervix Or Endometrium); Hysteroscopy And/Or Hysterosalpingography

Error message example 2:

This example is provided for the following scenarios:

  1. CPT code = 52442.
  2. Patient Gender = Female.

CPT code 52442 may not be used for a female patient.


CPT code 52442 = Cystourethroscopy, With Insertion Of Permanent Adjustable Transprostatic Implant; Each Additional Permanent Adjustable Transprostatic Implant (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)

Owner object: Activity

Owner object property name: Code

Owner object property value: Value of Activity.Code

Reference object: Claim

Reference object property name: ID

Reference object property value: Value of Claim.ID

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