Alert 10006 (ICD-10-CM Age Edits)


Errors in this edit may be generated only if the patient age is known and the patient age is not matching the ICD-10-CM Age Edit.

Edit ID: 10006

Error type: ERROR

Error message example 1:

This example is provided for the following scenario:

  1. Principal ICD-10-CM code = E28.310.
  2. Patient Age = 5 year.

Principal diagnosis code E28.310 may not be used for patient with age = 5 years.


Principal diagnosis code E28.310 = Symptomatic premature menopause

Error message example 2:

This example is provided for the following scenarios:

  1. Secondary ICD-10-CM code = G93.7.
  2. Patient Age = 25 years.

Secondary diagnosis code G93.7 may not be used for patient with age = 25 years.


Secondary diagnosis code G93.7 = Reye's syndrome

Owner object: Diagnosis

Owner object property name: Code

Owner object property value: Value of Diagnosis.Code

Reference object: Claim

Reference object property name: ID

Reference object property value: Value of Claim.ID