Code Versions

Code Versions

CPT codes are developed and owned by the American Medical Association (AMA). The new version of CPT codes is released every year with the effective date of January 1. Therefore, CPT codes have a version that shows its release year, e.g CPT Version 2011, CPT Version 2018, CPT Version 2020 etc.

ICD-10 codes are developed and owned by World Health Organization (WHO). The US has developed Clinical Modification of WHO's ICD-10 codes. Updates for ICD-10-CM are made annually also with the effective date of October 1. Therefore, ICD-10-CM also have a version that shows its latest release year.

Both CPT and ICD-10-CM codes are getting updates published quarterly.

Every country decides separately what version of CPT and ICD-10-CM they want to use. There are a few points we need to know about CPT and ICD-10-CM usage in the UAE:

  1. Abu Dhabi (DoH) is using CPT version 2011 (released in the year 2011).
  2. Dubai (DHA) is using the following versions of CPT codes:
    1. 2015 for claim with encounters before September 1, 2020.
    2. 2018 for claims with encounters starting from September 1, 2020.