Resubmission Report (Excel)

Resubmission Report (Excel)

The report shows resubmissions history for claims. Data aggregation is performed on activity level. It contains only activities of those claims that have related remittance advice. Otherwise, a claim is not reflected in the report. 

The report contains the only worksheet: Activity Report.

Activity Report worksheet

The table below describes columns presented on this worksheet.

ColumnXML FieldDescription
CS DateHeader.TransactionDateTransaction date and time of Claim.Submission transaction.
RA DateHeader.TransactionDateTransaction date and time of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Rx NumberObservation.ValueRx Number; value is taken for observation with Observation.Code = Prescription No.
Fill CounterObservation.ValueFill Counter; value is taken for observation with Observation.Code = Refills or Fill Counter.
CodeActivity.CodeActivity code specified by activity type.
TypeActivity.TypeActivity type.
Activity code description.
Claim IDClaim.IDUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the provider.
Claim ID PayerClaim.IDPayerUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the payer.
Activity IDActivity.IDUnique identifier of an activity within a claim.
Auth. NumberActivity.PriorAuthorizationIDPrior authorization number.
Auth. Approval Date
Authorization approval date. Always N/A until future versions.
Service DateActivity.StartStart date of an activity.
Service Date TimeActivity.StartStart date and time of an activity.
Ord. Clinician LicenseActivity.OrderingClinicianLicense number of the clinician who ordered an activity or referred the patient for an activity.
Ord. Clinician Name
Full name of the clinician who ordered an activity or referred the patient for an activity.
Disp. Clinician LicenseActivity.ClinicianLicense number of the clinician who provided an activity (treatment or care) for the patient.
Disp. Clinician Name
Full name of the clinician who provided an activity (treatment or care) for the patient.
Payer IDClaim.PayerIDLicense number of an insurance company that is the payer of a claim.
Provider IDClaim.ProviderIDLicense number of the provider.
Member IDClaim.MemberIDInsurance card number of the patient.
MRNEncounter.PatientIDPatient Medical Record Number assigned by the provider.
Sales Price
Sales price for a drug. It has value only if Activity.Type = 5.
QuantityActivity.QuantityNumber of units (quantity) for an activity.
Processed AmountActivity.NetNet amount billed by the provider to the payer for an activity.
Patient ShareActivity.PatientShareAny fee that the payer is expecting the provider to collect from the patient.
Paid AmountActivity.PaymentAmountAmount paid by the payer for an activity.
Paid Amount With Duplicates
Amount paid by the payer for an activity including duplicated activities in other Remittance.Advice transactions.
Denied Amount
Amount denied by the payer for an activity. Calculates as Processed Amount - Paid Amount.
Denial CodeActivity.DenialCodeDenial code for a rejected activity.
Denial Reason
Denial code description.
Principal DiagnosisDiagnosis.CodePrincipal diagnosis code.
Diagnosis Text
Principal diagnosis description.
Secondary Diagnosis 1...NDiagnosis.CodeSecondary diagnosis code.
Diagnosis Text
Secondary diagnosis description.
Fully Paid — a claim is fully paid (Paid Amount >= Processed Amount);
Partly Paid — a claim is partly paid (Paid Amount < Processed Amount);
Rejected — a claim is fully denied (Paid Amount = 0).
Payment ReferenceClaim.PaymentReferenceUnique identifier for the payment transaction (cheque number, bank transfer number, payment voucher number).
Settlement DateClaim.DateSettlementDate the payer settles a claim.
Resubmission CommentsResubmission.CommentComments left by the provider to resubmission.
Is Resubmitted

Yes if a claim has been resubmitted in another transaction;
No otherwise.

Is CS Duplicated

Yes for duplicated claims from Claim.Submission transactions;
No for true claims from Claim.Submission transactions.

Claim Status

Original — if this is the initial claim submission;
Resubmission 1 — if this is the first claim resubmission;
Resubmission N — if this is N claim resubmission.

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