There are some custom settings user can set. System settings are stored in Settings.hfl data file. If Greenrain Facility is uninstalled by any reason, Settings.hfl file (as well as Data.hfl) is not deleted.
Step 1. Select Tools > Settings from the menu.
Settings form opens.
The following settings are available.
(1) Claim ID generation method:
- automatically in the format [Provider ID]-[auto-generated value], e.g. MF23-65; Your Claim ID field on Patient Visit tab of Electronic Claim form is disabled in this case, and user is unable to change it;
- manually in any format (up to 20 symbols); user has to enter Your Claim ID in each claim as it is a mandatory field.
(2) Prefix usage in claims and prior requests IDs.
If set, the prefix is added to auto-generated claim ID and request ID. The format is [Provider ID][ID Prefix][auto-generated value], e.g. MF23-Test-65.
ID Prefix is alphanumeric: symbols a...z, A...Z, 0…9 are allowed only.
Note that this ID Prefix setting is used only for prior request IDs generation if user has selected manual claim ID entrance.
(3) Facility version:
- standalone with a local database;
- client-server with a central database; in this case IP address must be set.
Step 2. Adjust the settings according your needs and click on OK button.
Settings form closes. Data is saved.