Print out prior request
A patient may ask to have the prior approval printed on a paper. After the payer reply is received, the user is able to print out request details by clicking Print link which appears on Electronic Prior Request form.
This option is available for both authorization and eligibility requests in the following statuses: Approved, Partly Approved, Rejected.
Step 1. Click Find Prior Requests under the menu.
Find Prior Requests form opens.
Step 2. Set a search value and click Search.
The search results grid appears.
Step 3. Select a request with Type = Authorization and Status = Partly Approved and click View.
Electronic Prior Request – Authorization form opens. Two controls become available: Print Preview and Print.
Step 4. Click Print Preview.
Authorization details appear in preview mode:
(1) patient details;
(2) encounter details;
(3) procedures details.
Step 5. Click button (or Print on Electronic Prior Request form).
Print window opens. The default printer is preselected. However, another available printer may be used.
Step 6. Click Print.
The request copy is printed.