Excel file structure validation

Excel file structure validation

An Excel file is validated against the selected submission type. Expected formats of an Excel file for different submission types are available here Supported Excel file formats. The case when this validation fails is described below.

Step 1.
 Click [...] button.

A standard Windows Select dialog opens.

Step 2. Choose an Excel file in either xlsx or xls format.

The program analyses the file data to identify expected submission type. When done, Submission type box fills with its value.

Step 3. Click Generate Submission Files.

The program assumes the Excel file contains data for the selected submission type and validates its structure accordingly. If any worksheet or column is missing, the following error dialog appears.

Step 4.
 Click Yes.

A dialog with found errors appears. Otherwise, this workflow stops to allow user fixing found errors and start again.

Step 5.
 Click See expected Excel file format

Supported Excel file format page opens in browser. You can review expected data in an Excel file and download desired template.

Step 6. Click Close.

The dialog with found errors closes.

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