Data validation
If a submission file is generated successfully, it is not necessarily correct from the point of view of data consistency. A generated xml file is tested against the validation rules set on ABM, and the errors/warnings found are returned to you. Please refer to the following workflow.
Step 1. Click [...] button.
A standard Windows Select dialog opens.
Step 2. Choose an Excel file in either xlsx or xls format.
The program analyses the file data to identify expected submission type. When done, Submission type box fills with its value.
Step 3. Click Generate Submission Files button.
The program validates that all worksheets and columns for the identified submission type are available in the Excel file, and then generates submission xml files. Grids in both Submission Files and Encounters tabs fill in with details. If at least one error is found, the following error dialog appears.
Step 4. Click Yes.
Validation Report dialog appears.
Show validation errors link is shown on the main view too. By its click, the same report opens. The workflow stops to allow you fixing found errors and start again.
At the same time, you can review generated submission files by click Open Output folder near the mentioned link and correct data in xml format manually if you need.