User can search for any created or sent request on Find Prior Requests form.
Step 1. Click on Find Prior Requests button (or select E-Prior Requests > Find Prior Requests from the menu).
Find Prior Authorization Requests form opens.
Step 2. Set a search value, and click on Search button.
Search results grid appears.
There is a possibility to filter requests by their status. A request can be in one of the following statuses:
- Draft – request is not yet sent to Post Office for any reason;
- Waiting for Approval – request is sent to Post Office but no reply is received from payer yet;
- Approved – payer replied and fully approved the request;
- Partly Approved – payer replied and some activities are not fully approved;
- Rejected – payer replied and fully rejected the request;
- Cancelled – request is cancelled by provider.
Found requests can be sorted by any column in ascending / descending order.
The following actions can be performed on the form: