Patient Details tab
Control Name | Type | Default Value / State | Mandatory | Description |
Find patient | text field + [...] selection button | empty / enabled | No | Patient information used to search for a patient. The user can type it manually (e.g. a part of patient name, Member ID, Patient ID) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. Patient details load to Patient Details tab. |
Patient ID | text field | empty / disabled | Yes | Unique identifier of a patient in Greenrain Facility database. Assigned automatically, always disabled. |
Payer ID | text field + [...] selection button | empty / enabled | Yes | The insurance company that pays the claim. Format: code: company name. The user can type it manually (e.g. a code) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. If a payer is not in the list of licensed payers, the user can enter '@' followed by the name of the payer in the field. |
TPA ID | text field + [...] selection button | empty / enabled | No | The third-party administrator that processes the claim. Format: code: company name. The user can type it manually (e.g. a code) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. The filed becomes mandatory when Payer ID = @value. |
Member ID | text field | empty / enabled | Yes | Patient insurance card number for the specified payer. |
Insurance plan | drop-down | empty / enabled | No | Cover plan for the specified payer. When the user sets Payer ID, Insurance plan drop-down fills automatically with custom values for this payer. The user can select a plan from the list or type another one – the new plan will be added to the list. |
MRN | text field | empty / enabled | No | Unique identifier of a patient on the provider side. |
First name | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient first name, free text. |
Last name | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient last name, free text. |
Gender | drop-down list | empty / enabled | No | Patient gender. Possible values:
Birth date | date picker | empty / enabled | No | Patient birth date. |
Emirates ID | drop-down list | Unknown status, without a card. / enabled | Yes | Patient Emirates ID. Possible values:
Nationality | text field + [...] selection button | empty / enabled | No | Patient nationality. Format: nationality: country. The user can type it manually (e.g. a code) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. |
Mobile | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient mobile number. |
Work tel. | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient work phone number. |
Home tel. | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient home phone number. |
Address | text field | empty / enabled | No | Patient address or addresses, free text. |