All changes made with a particular claim can be observed on Claim History view. You need to take the following steps.
- On Main view set search criteria and click on Search button. Found claims appear in the search results grid.
- Select any claim and click on Claim history link label. Claim History view opens.
On the screenshot you can see that the following actions have been performed with the claim:
- 3rd line: import of Claim.Submission transaction (new claim with Claimed Net = 50.40);
- 2nd line: import of the corresponding Remittance.Advice transaction (the payer reply with Paid Amount = 16.20);
1st line: internal complaint (claim resubmission with Claimed Net = 14.00).
You can also see each line details by clicking on Claim details link label (learn[ more|Claim Details]).
- Click on Close link label. Claim History view closes.