Use one of the following templates to fill in encounters:
- The default format - Encounter.Submission Default_Template.xlsx
- The MBDS format - Encounter.Submission MBDS_Template.xlsx
Data description
The table below describes each column in expected Excel file.
Worksheet | Column (Default Template) | Column (MBDS Template) | Description | Possible Values or Format |
Encounters | Sender ID | Sender ID | An identification code of a healthcare provider that is the sender of the transaction. | |
Receiver ID | Receiver ID | An identification code of the receiver of the transaction. Predefined value is MOH. | MOH | |
Encounter ID | Encounter Number | A unique key that is generated by a healthcare provider. Cannot be re-assigned to another encounter/visit. | ||
Organization ID | Organization ID | A healthcare provider identification code. Unique for each facility. | ||
National ID | Patient National Identity Number (KSA-ID)/Entry Number | A national identifier of a person. | ||
Patient ID | Patient Identifier (UMRN) | A patient medical record number. The number is used by the hospital as a systematic documentation of a patient's medical history and care during each hospital stay or visit. | ||
Patient Primary Eligibility | Patient Primary Eligibility | The health sector to which the patient belongs. Such categorization helps to classify the patient healthcare providers in the future planning and performance comparison. | Codes | |
Birth Date | Date of Birth | The date of birth of a patient as per identification document. | dd/mm/yyyy | |
Birth Country | Country of Birth | A code of a country in which the patient was born. It refers to a country if the person was born outside Saudi Arabia. The geographic location is specified according to boundaries current at the time the data is collected, not the boundaries at the time of birth. | ||
Gender | Gender | A code which defines the sex of a patient. | Codes | |
Nationality | Nationality | A code which defines the nationality of a patient as stated in the identification document used for patient identity proof. | Codes | |
Residence Country | Country of Residence | A code of a country of residence of a patient as stated in the identification document used for patient identity proof. | Codes | |
Residence City | City of Residence | A code of a city of residence of a patient. | Codes | |
Religion | Religion | A religion which is a patient self-identification as having a connection or affiliation with any religious denomination, group. For infants or children, religion refers to the specific religious group or denomination in which they are being raised, if any. | Codes | |
Pilgrim Type | HAJJ/Umrah Season Patient | A flag to indicate if a patient is internal/external Hajj, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
Marital Status | Marital Status | A code that defines marital status of a patient. | Codes | |
Occupation | Occupation | Self-reported employment status of a patient, immediately prior to receiving healthcare services. | Codes | |
Mobile Number | Mobile phone number | Contact mobile telephone number of a patient as stated by the individual. | ||
Type | Encounter Type | A type of the encounter/visit, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
Admission Type | Admission Type | A code which identifies how a patient was admitted to hospital. | Codes | |
Service Event Type | Initial or Subsequent Service Event | A code which identifies how a patient was admitted to hospital. | Codes | |
Care Type | Care Type | The nature of clinical service provided to an admitted patient during an episode of care, acute vs. sub-acute, as represented by a code. | ||
Start | Admission Date/Outpatient Service Event Date/Encounter Start Date & Time | IP and OP: The date the patient is admitted to hospital at the start of a hospital stay. ED: The date (time) on which non-admitted patient emergency department clinical care commences. | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm | |
End | Discharge Date/Encounter End Date & Time | The date the patient is discharged from the inpatient care referenced in the applicable hospitalization or hospice date. | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm | |
Triage Date | Triage Date/Time | The date on which the patient is triaged. | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm | |
Triage Category | Triage Category | A category assigned to a patient as a result of an initial assessment by medial or nursing staff in an Accident and Emergency Department. Used to determine the patient's priority for treatment, and to inform the patient of their waiting time. | Codes | |
Emergency Arrival Code | ED Arrival Mode (Transport) | The mode of transport by which the patient arrives at the emergency department, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
Emergency Service Start | ED Service Commencement Date/Time | The date/time on which non-admitted patient emergency department clinical care commences. | ||
Emergency Waiting Time | ED Waiting Time | The time elapsed in minutes for a patient from presentation in the emergency department to a service occurrence of a specified event related to service delivery. | ||
Admission Specialty | Specialty on Admission | An identifier of the specialty practiced by the health practitioner. | Codes | |
Admission Weight | Admission Weight < 1-year-old | Birth weight and Neonatal Weight are defined separately. | ||
Intended Los | Intended LOS | The intention of the responsible clinician at the time of the patient's admission to hospital or at the time the patient is placed on an elective surgery waiting list, to discharge the patient either on the day of admission or a subsequent date, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
Leave Duration | Duration of Leave | Sum of the length of leave (date returned from leave minus date went on leave) for all periods within the hospital stay. | ||
Discharge Mode | Discharge Mode/Status/Disposition | A code which defines the circumstances under which a patient left hospital. For the majority of patients this is when they are discharged by the consultant. | Codes | |
Emergency Disposition Code | ED Disposition Code | The status of the patient at the end of the non-admitted patient emergency department service episode, as represented by a code. | ||
Discharge Specialty | Specialty at Discharge | An identifier of the specialty practiced by the health practitioner. | Codes | |
Emergency Major Diagnostic Block | ED Major Diagnostic Block (MDB) Category Code | Emergency department major diagnostic block. | Codes | |
MechanicalVentilationDuration | Duration of Mechanical Ventilation | Mechanical ventilation duration. | ||
MDC | MDC | The category into which the patient diagnosis and the associated Australian refined diagnosis related group (ARDRG) falls, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
PCCL | PCCL | A measure of the cumulative effect of a patient’s complications and comorbidities (CCs) that is calculated for each episode of admitted patient care. Each diagnosis is assigned CCL (Clinical Complexity Level). | Codes | |
ECCS | 0...32 | |||
Code Set Edition | Code Set Edition | Code Set Edition used by the healthcare provider to submit the encounter. | Codes | |
Comments | Comments | Comments related to the encounter. | ||
Resubmission Flag | Resubmission Flag | Determines whether the encounter is resubmission. | Codes | |
Diagnoses | Encounter ID | Encounter Number | Reference to Encounter ID on Encounters worksheet | |
Diagnosis Type | - | A diagnosis type, as represented by a code. Note: This field is not expected for MBDS format. | ||
Diagnosis Code | OPD Primary Diagnosis Code | The main diagnoses reflecting the main injuries, disease condition, patient characteristics or circumstances impacting the outpatient service event, as determined by the physician at the conclusion of the visit. | ||
Principal Diagnosis (ICD-10-AM 6th edn) | ||||
Additional Diagnosis (ICD-10-AM 6th edn) | ||||
Morphology | ||||
Cause of Death | ||||
Condition Onset Flag | Condition Onset Flag | A qualifier for each coded diagnosis to indicate the onset of the condition relative to the beginning of the episode of care, as represented by a code. | Codes | |
Activities | Encounter ID | Encounter Number | Reference to Encounter ID on Encounter worksheet | |
Activity ID | Activity Number | Activity id sent by a healthcare provider. An activity is unique within an encounter. | ||
Activity Type | - | Activity type, as represented by a code. Note: This field is not expected for MBDS format. | ||
Activity Code | AR-DRG | A patient's classification scheme which provides a clinically meaningful way of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital to the resources required by the hospital, as represented by a code. | ||
Procedure Codes | ||||
Laboratory Code | ||||
Drug Item Codes | ||||
Quantity | Drug Item Units (Quantity) | The quantity of each drug item dispensed for the treatment of ill health during the encounter. | 1...999 | |
Ordering Clinician Code | Healthcare Practitioner ID | A unique identification code of a clinician provided by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties for the Consultant. | NNAANNNN… Alpha numeric, 5-16 characters | |
Comments | Comments | This field contains comments related to the activity. |