Prior request → Patient details screen | Electronic claims → Patient details screen | Patients → Patient details screen |
Find claims screen | Upload price-list screen |
Payer ID field has been hidden from the electronic claims screen and the below label changes have been introduced for more standardisation.
The following screen titles have been updated
Find Prior Authorization Requests → Find Prior Requests | Find and Submit E-Claims → Find Claims | Price List Upload → Upload Price List |
Prior Request Resubmit Confirmation → Resubmit Prior Request | Prior Request Cancellation → Cancel Prior Request | Prior Request Clone → Clone Prior Request |
All fields that are now mandatory to be populated will now appear Bold across the board in Greenrain Facility. (An example is depicted below from New prior request screen)
New Features
Greenrain Facility V9V 9.1 comes with inbuilt proactive prompts if coding file downloads have failed. Coding files consist of updates to trade drug code, prices, physician codes et. etc among other codes that are essential for the system. If Greenrain facility is unable to download and update them consistently then the system will alert the user that the codes that may be existing in the application may not be current. Users may then work with their IT department or contact help@greenrainhealth.com to investigate the issue.
If a claim has been uploaded to payor payer and status of claims has been moved to “Submitted to Payer” then all controls on the claims are disabled, i.e, the claim cannot be selected for reuploading re-uploading to the payorpayer. However, these claims can still be opened for viewing and exported to an excel sheet. The new version also allows selective claims filtering by status as shown below. Subsequently when no claims are selected for upload the “Generate” button is disabled.