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Request cancellation is done performed with Cancel request option. Cancel request control is available only for:


For an authorization request that is already sent, a cancellation is also sent to the Post Office. It concerns requests in Waiting for approvalApproved statuses. If the request is cancelled canceled and the payer is still replying, the system ignores such a reply. The reply will not be marked as downloaded on Shafafiya. 
For a draft prior request, cancellation is made locally without sending to Post Office.


  1. Click Find Prior Requests button. 
    Find Prior Authorization Requests form opens.
  2. Set a search value and click Search button. 
    The search results grid appears.
  3. Select a request with Type = Eligibility and Status = Draft.
  4. Click Cancel request link.
    Prior Request Cancellation dialog appears.
  5. Click Yes button.
    An information dialog appears informing that the request is cancelledcanceled.
  6. Click OK button.
    Prior Request Cancellation dialog closes.