Other observations
It is not possible to save a prior request/claim if one of its activities has a mandatory observation that is not selected by the user. Observations are entered on Observations form.
LOINC observations
Step 1. Click New Prior Request.
Electronic Prior Request - Authorization form opens. Patient Details tab is active.
Step 2. Go to Procedure Details tab, set:
- Type = 3 – CPT code;
- Procedure = 83036.
Step 3. Click Update observations.
Observations form opens.
The following rules work on the form:
- Type is a drop-down list containing the following values: LOINC, Text.
- Code shows an observation code:
- it is a drop-down list that contains LOINC codes mandatory for the selected CPT code;
- it is a text box if CPT does not have mandatory LOINC codes, so the user can enter any code.
- Value is a text box showing an observation value.
- Value Type shows an observation value type:
- it is a drop-down list containing expected value type of LOINC code in case this observation code details are available;
- it is a text box if this observation code details are not available;
- for Text observation Value Type = Value by default, but can be changed if needed.
Type, Code, Value and Value Type are mandatory fields for observations. Several observations can be added. An observation can be deleted by pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.
Step 4. Set observations details and click OK.
Observations form closes. Data is going to be saved with the request saving.
Observations for trade drugs
Step 1. Click New Prior Request.
Electronic Prior Request - Authorization form opens. Patient Details tab is active.
Step 2. Go to Procedure Details tab, set:
- Type = 5 – Trade Drug code;
- Procedure = A01-0012-03907-01.
Step 3. Click Update observations.
Observations form opens.
The grid contains observations added automatically:
- Type shows an observation type. The column values are not editable.
- Code shows an observation code. The column values are not editable.
- Value shows an observation value. It is a text box available for editing.
- Value Type shows an observation value type. It is a drop-down list with predefined values or a text box available for editing (see the table).
Type | Code | Value | Value Type |
Text | Prescription No | Prescription No | |
Text | Refills (the number of times a drug may be refilled) | Default value: 0 | |
Text | Dose | A drop-down list containing the values: | |
LOINC | 3141-9 (patient weight) | kg | |
Text | Dosage Form (the form in which the drug is marketed for use) | ||
Text | Route (the route of administration) | ||
Text | Duration (the duration of the quantity to be dispensed at one time, excluding any refills; e.g. Duration = 1 month, Refills = 2 means that the drug is prescribed for three months) | A drop-down list containing the values: | |
Text | Frequency (the number of times the medication is prescribed to be administered during the period identified by ValueType) |
An observation cannot be deleted.
Step 4. Set observations details and click OK.
Observations form closes. Data is going to be saved with the request saving.