Patient data can be saved and used further in prior requests and e-claims.
Step 1. Select Patient > Add Patient from the menu.
Patient Details form opens.
Step 2. Fill in available patient data.
Fields that are marked in bold are required ones. They are: Payer, Member ID, and Emirates ID.
- Payer, TPA and Nationality can be selected from the corresponding search lists which open by clicking on […] button. Another option is to enter the value or part of it manually in the field (e.g. A026 in Payer field) and press Enter key. The data will load automatically.
- Member ID must be unique for the specified payer. That means that there can be two patients with the same Member ID if they have different payers.
- Emirates ID is Unknown status, without a card by default but can be changed to another value from the list.
- Cover Plan drop-down fills automatically with custom values for the specified payer (after Payer is set). User can select a plan from the list or type another one – new plan will be saved with the patient and added to the list.
- Patient ID is not editable. It will be assigned after patient saving in the database.
Step 3. Click on Save button.
Patient Details form closes. The patient is saved.
Add patient from Find Patient form
- Select Patient > Find Patient from the menu.
Patient Search form opens. - Click on Add Patient button.
Patient Details form opens. - Fill in available patient data.
- Click on Save button.
Patient Details dialog closes. The patient is saved.
Add patient while prior request creation
- Select E-Prior Requests > New Eligibility from the menu.
Electronic Prior Request - Eligibility form opens. Patient Details tab is active. - Fill in available patient data.
- Go to Request Details tab and enter visit details.
- Click on Save & Send button.
A warning dialog appears informing that the request is sent to Shafafiya. - Click on OK button.
Electronic Prior Request form closes. The request and new patient are saved.
Add patient while e-claim creation
- Select E-Claims > Create New E-Claim from the menu.
Electronic Claim form opens. Patient Details tab is active. - Fill in available patient data.
- Go to Patient Visit tab and enter visit details.
- Go to Procedure Details tab and enter activities details.
- Click on Save button.
An information dialog appears informing that the claim is saved in the database. - Click on OK button.
Electronic Claim form closes. The claim and new patient are saved.