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Sender ID
Receiver ID

= Encounter.Start

= Encounters count

DispositionFlag = DispositionFlagEnum.Production

IdEncounter IDA unique key that is generated by a healthcare provider. Cannot be re-assigned to another encounter/visit.
ProviderCodeProvider CodeA healthcare provider identification code. Unique for each facility.
ProviderTypeProvider TypeType of a healthcare provider dealing with specified group of patients according to a certain set of regulations.
NationalIdNational IDA national identifier that uniquely identifies an individual.
PatientIdPatient IDA patient medical record number. The number is used by the hospital as a systematic documentation of a patient's medical history and care during each hospital stay or visit.
BirthDateBirth DateDate of birth of a patient as per identification document.
BirthCountryBirth CountryA code of a country in which the person was born. It refers to a country if the person was born outside Saudi Arabia. The geographic location is specified according to boundaries current at the time the data are collected, not the boundaries at the time of birth.
GenderGenderA code which defines the sex of a patient.
NationalityNationalityA code which defines the nationality of a patient as stated in the identification document used for patient identity proof.
ResidenceCountryResidence CountryA code of a country of residence of a patient as stated in the identification document used for patient identity proof.
ResidenceCityResidence CityA code of a city of residence of a patient.
ReligionReligionA religion which is a patient self-identification as having a connection or affiliation with any religious denomination, group. For infants or children, religion refers to the specific religiousgroup or denomination in which they are being raised, if any.
PilgrimTypePilgrim TypeA flag to indicate if a patient is internal/external Hajj, as represented by a code.
MaritalStatusMarital StatusA code that defines marital status of a patient.
OccupationOccupationSelf-reported employment status of a patient, immediately prior to receiving healthcare services.
MobileNumberMobile NumberContact mobile telephone number of a patient as stated by the individual.

A type of the encounter/visit as represented by a code:

1= Hospital Inpatient - patient occupys inpatient bed and stays overnight;

2= Day Case - patient occupies bed and is disharged on the same day;

3= Emergency - patient is seen in Emergency Department and is not admitted to Inpatient Bed;

4= Outpatient - patient not admttted and not seen in Emergency Department.

AdmissionTypeAdmission TypeA code which identifies how a patient was admitted to hospital.
EmergencyArrivalCodeEmergency Arrival CodeThe mode of transport by which the patient arrives at the emergency department, as represented by a code.
CareTypeCare Type

The nature of clinical service provided to an admitted patient during an episode of care, acute vs. sub-acute, as represented by a code.

01= Acute Care;

02= Rehabiitation;

03=General Maintenance;

04= Complex Maintenance;

05= Boarder;

06= Palliative.

StartStartIP and OP: The date the patient is admitted to hospital at the sart of a hospital stay.
ED: The date (time) on which non-admitted patient emergency department clinical care commences.
EndEndThe date the patient is discharged from the inpatient care referenced in the applicable hospitalization or hospice date.
TriageDateTriage DateThe date on which the patient is triaged.
TriageCategoryTriage CategoryA catetory assigned to a patient as a result of an initial assessment by medial or nursing staff in an Accident and Emergency Deparment. Used to determine the patient's priorty for treatment, and to informa the patient of their waiting time.
WaitingTimeWaiting TimeThe time elapsed in minutes for a patient from presentation in the emergency department to a service occurrence of a speicifed event related to service delivery.
AdmissionSpecialtyAdmission SpecialtyAn identifier of the specialty practiced by the health practitioner.
AdmissionWeightAdmission WeightBirth weight and Neonatal Weight are defined separately.
IntendedLosIntended LosThe intention of the responsible clinician at the time of the patient's admission to hospital or at the time the patient is placed on an elective surgery waiting list, to discharge the patient either on the day of admission or a subsequent date, as represented by a code.
LeaveDurationLeave DurationSum of the length of leave (date returned from leave minus date went on leave) for all periods within the hospital stay.
DischargeModeDischarge ModeA code which defines the circumstances under which a patient left hospital. For the majority of patients this is when they are discharged by the consultant.
EmergencyDispositionCodeEmergency Disposition Code

The status of the patient at the end of the non-admitted patient emergency department service episode, as representd by a code.

1= admitted to this hospital;

2= Non-admtted patient ED eptisde completed-departed without being admtted or referred to aother hospital;

3= non admitted patient ED episode completed -referred to aother hospital for admission;

4= did not wait to be attended by a health care professional;

5= left at own risk after being attended by a health care professional, but before the non-admitted patient ED service episode was completed.

DischargeSpecialtyDischarge SpecialtyAn identifier of the specialty practiced by the health practioner.
EmergencyMajorDiagnosticBlockEmergency Major Diagnostic BlockEmergency department major diagnostic block
MDCMDCThe category into which the patient diagnosis and the assocated Australian refined diagnosis related group (ARDRG) falls, as represented by a code.
PCCLPCCLA measure of the cumulative effect of a patient’s complications and comorbidities (CCs) that is calculated for each episode of admitted patient care. Each diagnosis is assigned CCL (Clinical Complexity Level).
DiagnosisEncounter ID
TypeDiagnosis TypeA diagnosis type:
1 = Principal
2 = Secondary
3 = Morphology
4 = DeathCause
CodeDiagnosis CodeThe main diagnoses refelecting the main injuries, disease condition, paitent characteristics or cirumstances impacting the outpatient service event, as determinied by the physician at the conclusion of the visit.
ConditionOnsetFlagCondition Onset FlagA qualifier for each coded diagnosis to indicate the onset of the condition relative to the beginning of the episode of care, as represented by a code.


Encounter ID
IdActivity IDActivity id sent by a healthcare provider. An activity is unique within an encounter.
TypeActivity TypeActivity type, as represented by a code:
1 = ACHI;
2 = Trade Drug;
3 = AR-DRG.
CodeActivity CodeA patient's classification scheme which provides a clinically meaningful way of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital to the resources required by the hospital, as represented by a code.
OrderingClinicianCodeOrdering Clinician CodeA unique identificatoin code of a clinician provided by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties for the Consultant (NNAANNNN… Alpha numeric, 5-16 characters).


Encounter ID

Activity ID
TypeObservation TypeAn observation type:
1 = LOINC;
2 = Text;
3 = File.
CodeObservation CodeThe tests, measurements, and observations conducted with value and unit, as represented by a code.
ValueObservation ValueAn observation value for the activity.


Observation Value TypeUnit of measure for an observation value.
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