Step 1. Open compatible HL7 FHIR toolIt is not possible to send file directly using the ABM Portal web page. We need to use tool to accomplish this.
Step 21. To create Encounters HL7 FHIR transaction, follow these steps:.
Step 2.11.1. Open compatible HL7 FHIR tool.
Step 1.2. Set FHIR base URL.
Step 21.23. Select the POST http request type request method (POST - add new data).
Step 21.34. Paste transaction file. The Body pane allows you to specify the data you need to send with a request.
Step 21.45. Click Send, check Send to run your request.
The input file is validated before upload. The Tool automatically calculates the time it took for the response to arrive from the server.
Step 1.6. Check output information and get GUID.
200 OK means that the transaction is posted into database. The response consists of the status code, location (GUID) and last modified values.
Step 32. Try to search the generated Encounter using GUID.
Step 32.1. Set GUID into FHIR base URL.
Step 32.2. Select Select the GET http request type request method (GET - retrieve data from an API).
Step 32.3. Click Send to run your request.
Search operation is performed. The uploaded transaction appears in the right side.