Upload workflow - To upload e-claim transactions to post office Post Office in .xml or .zip format.
Download workflow - To download e-claim transactions (remittance advice transactions) from the post officePost Office.
Upload workflow
Successful uploads
If claims have been successfully uploaded then, they appear in the ‘Success’ folder as shown. If there are warning returned from the post officePost Office, CSV files will be found along with claims file in this specified folder, however, the upload is considered successful.
In these cases, files are moved the Invalid folder as shown below,
Download Transactions
Greenrain Automation Lite Server software checks post office Post Office for un downloaded remittance advice transactions for the validated license.
The remittance advice transaction is downloaded into the ‘Download’ subfolder within the specified directory while configuring the application.
Download transaction workflow happens at specified intervals specified during the installation and configuration of the application. Default is every 60 seconds.
New transactions are downloaded if
They belong to the validated license.
They have not been downloaded before.
If valid transactions matching the above conditions are found then they are downloaded to the download folder and the transactions are marked downloaded at the post officePost Office.
Don't Forget
If you are making changes to these application settings for e.g. changing upload/download folder OR changing polling interval, then you should ensure to restart the service as shown below for new changes to take effect.