There is a possibility to import claims to the Greenrain Facility database instead of manual entering. Greenrain Facility validates an input Excel file and inserts claims into the database pending upload (Status = Ready for Submission).
To import claims, follow the below steps.
Step 0. Prepare Excel file with claims for import. The expected format is provided below.
Step 1. Select Claims > Import claims from the menu.
The file explorer opens.
Step 2. Select the necessary Excel file and click Open.
Either Success or Validation Failed dialog appears.
SUCCESS: The parsing is successful.
Step 3a. Click Yes.
Once the claims are imported, the information dialog appears showing the total number of the claims imported into the database along with the total Net of these claims.
Step 4a. Select Claims > Find Claims from the menu.
Find Claims form opens.
Step 5a. Set a search value to find just imported claims and click Search.
The search results grid appears. The imported claims have Status = Ready for Submission.
FAILED: The Excel sheet contains validation errors or has an inappropriate format.
Step 3b. Click Yes.
Validation Report dialog appears showing the description of all errors found.