Prior request → Patient details screen | Electronic claims → Patient details screen | Patients → Patient details screen |
Find claims screen | Upload price-list screen |
Payer ID field has been hidden from the electronic claims screen and the below label changes have been introduced for more standardisation.
Find Prior Authorization Requests → Find Prior Requests | Find and Submit E-Claims → Find Claims | Price List Upload → Upload Price List |
Prior Request Resubmit Confirmation → Resubmit Prior Request | Prior Request Cancellation → Cancel Prior Request | Prior Request Clone → Clone Prior Request |
All fields that are now mandatory to be populated will now appear Bold across the board in Greenrain Facility. (An example is depicted below from New prior request screen)
Find claims screen now allows you to set dates as empty there by running open searches for selected criteria. For example in the below example by setting date range as empty, user can search for entire claims history of a patient searching by patient’s name, MRN, Emirates ID, Member ID or the prescription number.
What's in store for the future?
We are working on the scheduled features published by Shafafiya, as well as new functionality.
How can I get access to support?
For quick access to support, kindly please email help@greenrainhealth.com.