Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Control Name


Default Value / StateMandatory



drop-down list

preselected (3 - CPT code) / enabledYes

Procedure type.

Possible values:

  • 3 - CPT code;
  • 4 - HCPCS code;
  • 5 - Trade Drug code;
  • 6 - Dental code;
  • 8 - Service code;
  • 9 - APR / DRG code.

The latest saved Type will be preselected by default in new requests and claims.


text field + [...] selection button

empty / enabledYes

Procedure (or activity) from the list of the specified type.

Format: code: description.

The user can type it manually (e.g. a trade drug code) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button.

Rx numbertext fieldempty / enabled


Prescription number. Visible for an activity with Type = 5  - Trade Drug code if setting IsRxNumberMandatorySetting = true.

Fill countertext fieldempty / enabled


Fill Counter. Visible for an activity with Type = 5  - Trade Drug code if setting IsRxNumberMandatorySetting = true.

Possible values: >=0, integer.

Ordering clinician

text field + [...] selection button

empty / enabledYes

The doctor who ordered a procedure or prescribed a drug.

Format: clinician license: clinician name (Clinicians list).

The user can type it manually (e.g. a clinician license) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. The latest saved Ordering clinician will be preselected by default in new requests and claims.

Ordering clinician is mandatory if Encounter start >= 1-Jun-2014. Ordering clinician must be empty if Encounter start < 1-Jun-2014.

Performing clinician

text field + [...] selection button

empty / enabledYes

The doctor who performed a procedure or dispensed a drug.

Format: clinician license: clinician name (Clinicians list).

The user can type it manually (e.g. a part of clinician name) and press Enter key or they can select it from the list which opens by pressing […] button. The latest saved Performing clinician will be preselected by default in new requests and claims.

Performing clinician is optional if Encounter start >= 1-Jun-2014. Performing clinician is mandatory if Encounter start < 1-Jun-2014.

Start date

date picker

checked (today) / enabledYes

Activity start date. The latest saved Start Date will be preselected by default in new requests and e-claims.

Possible values: between Encounter start and Encounter end. If the user changes the visit period and the activity Start date becomes outside its boundaries, it adjusts to the new value of Encounter start / Encounter end


text field

empty / enabledYes

How many items of selected procedure clinician prescribes.

Possible values: 0.0001-999.9999.

Pre-Auth. No

text field

empty / enabledNo

Authorization number.


text field

empty / enabledNo

Comments on the activity left by the provider.

Add PDF attachment



On clicking Add PDF attachment a window opens to search for the necessary file. After the file is selected, the link label changes to View PDF attachment. On clicking View PDF attachment link attached file opens for viewing.

View PDF attachmentlink hidden-

Update observations



On clicking Update observations Observations form opens where the user can set observations of LOINC or Text type. For a sent claim (that cannot be edited) the link name is View observations.

View observationslink hidden-


text field

empty / enabledNo

Price discount in percent.

Possible values: 0-100%.


text field

empty / enabledNo

Patient copay in percent.

Possible values: 0-100%.

If the user enters/modifies Copay, then Patient share recalculates: Patient share = Gross price x Copay / 100.

If the user modifies Patient share, Copay value clears.


text field

empty / enabledNo

The amount the patient has to pay out-of-pocket for expenses before the payer will cover the remaining costs.

Gross price

text field

empty / enabledYes

Gross price for one unit of the procedure.

If the user sets Type = 5 - Trade Drug Code and selects any trade drug in Procedure, Gross price fills with Price value for this drug but still can be changed to another value.

Patient share

text field

empty / enabledNo

Patient share for one unit of the procedure.

Patient share = Gross price x Copay / 100.

Net price

text field

empty / enabledYes

Net price for one unit of the procedure.

Net price = Gross price - Patient share.

If the user modifies Net price, then Gross price adjusts. If the user modifies Gross price or Patient share, then Net price adjusts.

VAT percenttext field0 / enabledNo

The value-added tax for a procedure in percent.

Possible values: 0-100%.

VAT amounttext fieldempty / disabledNo

The value-added tax for a procedure (money value).

VAT amount =  Net price x VAT percent / 100.

Commentstext fieldempty / enabledNoComments on the activity left by the provider. It is sent as an observation.
Patient instructionstext fieldempty / enabledNoInstructions to the patient left by the provider. It is sent as an observation.

Selected procedures


empty / disabled-

All procedures for a claim, one procedure per line. 

The grid contains the following columns:

  • Code, shows selected value in Procedure;
  • Quantity, shows set value in Quantity;
  • Gross, calculates as Quantity x Gross price x (100 - Discount) / 100;
  • Net, calculates as Quantity x Net price x (100 - Discount) / 100;
  • Clinician, shows Ordering clinician.

The grid is not editable.

Add new procedure (Ctrl + N)



On clicking the link (or pressing Ctrl + N), an empty row adds to the Selected procedures grid.

Remove this procedure (Ctrl + D)



On clicking the link (or pressing Ctrl + D), the highlighted row removes from the Selected procedures grid.

Total gross

text field

empty / disabled

Total gross price for all procedures (activities) in the claim. The field is not editable.

Total patient share

text field

empty / disabled

Total patient share for all procedures (activities) in the claim. The field is not editable.

Total net

text field

empty / disabled

Total net price for all procedures (activities) in the claim. The field is not editable.

Total VATtext fieldempty / disabled
Total VAT for all procedures (activities) in the claim. The field is not editable.
