Uploaded data is used in claims and prior requests from the specified effective date.
Step 1. Select Tools > Upload Price List from the menu.
Price Upload Price List Upload form opens.
Step 2. Set the details.
- Effective Datedate is selected from the date picker. It is the date the uploaded price list is valid from. Default The default value is today.
- Payer ID is set manually or selected from the search lists which open by clicking on […] button.
- Insurance Plan (which is Cover Plan) dropplan drop-down fills automatically with custom values for the specified payer (after Payer is set). User The user can select a plan from the list or type another one – new plan will be saved with the patient and added to the list.
- Patient Share share for drugs is entered in percent in the range 0…99. It is not mandatory.
- Description is a comment on the price list. It is not mandatory.
Step 3. Select a price list in .xls or .xlsx format (learn more about the rules) and click on Upload button.
Price Upload Price List Upload form closes. The data is saved.
If a price list with the same effective date and insurance cover plan already exists, it is overwritten with the new data.