This chart is very useful for tracking your Claim.Submission and RemmitanceRemittance.Advice download counts.
Smart Search Featuresfeatures:
- Track date of Claim.Submission and RemmitanceRemittance.Advice downloads.
- Ability to filter the transactions in the dashboard.
- View your transactions by hour/day/month/year in the chart.
Step 1. Go to Main page and select "Claims Chart" Click the menu button in the sidebar (static collapsible sidebar menu)at the left.
Figure 1.
Step 2Step 2. Click Claims Chart.
Claims Chart page loads showing the related chart with filters.
Step 3. Configure filters in the dashboard.:
- Set the transaction date range;
- Set the source of the transactions (Doh DoH or/and DHA);
- Set the period show mode (Hour/Day/Month/Year);
Figure 2.
Step 34. Click "Apply filter" button and review the dataApply Filter.
The chart is rebuilt according to the set filters.