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Payments Reference Report shows summary of payment references received from payers. This is an Excel file containing three worksheets - levels of data aggregation:

  • Payment References
  • Claim Payments
  • Activity Payments


RA Field
Sender IDHeader.SenderIDLicense number of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Sender Name
Organisation name of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver IDHeader.ReceiverIDLicense number of an insurance company of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver Name
Organisation name of an insurance company of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Settlement DateClaim.DateSettlement

Date the payer settles a claim.

Payment ReferenceClaim.PaymentReferenceUnique identifier for the payment transaction (cheque number, bank transfer number, payment voucher number).
Payment Amount

Payment amount for a claims batch. Calculates as the sum of Activity.PaymentAmount for the respective activities.

Data in the worksheet is sorted by:

  1. Settlement Date, descending;
  2. Payer ID, ascending;
  3. Payment Reference, ascending.


RA Field
Sender IDHeader.SenderIDLicense number of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Sender Name
Organisation name of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver IDHeader.ReceiverIDLicense number of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver Name
Organisation name of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Payer IDClaim.PayerID

License number of an insurance company that is the payer of a claim.

Payer Name
Organisation name of an insurance company that is the payer of a claim.
Claim IDClaim.IDUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the provider.
Claim ID PayerClaim.IDPayerUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the payer.
Encounter StartEncounter.Start

Encounter start date and time. If a claim has more than one encounter, then this value is taken from the earliest encounter.

Member IDClaim.MemberID

Insurance card number of the patient.


Patient Medical Record Number assigned by the provider.

Settlement DateClaim.DateSettlement

Date the payer settles a claim.

Payment ReferenceClaim.PaymentReferenceUnique identifier for the payment transaction (cheque number, bank transfer number, payment voucher number).
Payment Amount

Payment amount for a claim. Calculates as the sum of Activity.PaymentAmount for the respective activities.

Data in the worksheet is sorted by:

  1. Settlement Date, descending;
  2. Payer ID, ascending;
  3. Payment Reference, ascending;
  4. Claim.ID, ascending.


RA Field
Sender IDHeader.SenderIDLicense number of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Sender Name
Organisation name of an insurance company or TPA that is the sender of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver IDHeader.ReceiverIDLicense number of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Receiver Name
Organisation name of a facility that is the receiver of Remittance.Advice transaction.
Payer IDClaim.PayerID

License number of an insurance company that is the payer of a claim.

Payer Name
Organisation name of an insurance company that is the payer of a claim.
Claim IDClaim.IDUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the provider.
Claim ID PayerClaim.IDPayerUnique identifier assigned to a claim by the payer.
Member IDClaim.MemberID

Insurance card number of the patient.


Patient Medical Record Number assigned by the provider.

Activity IDActivity.IDUnique identifier of an activity.
Auth. NumberActivity.PriorAuthorizationID

Prior authorization number.

Rx NumberObservation.ValueRx Number. It is taken from an observation with Observation.Code = Prescription No. Column is shown if there is at least one activity with the said observation. 
Fill CounterObservation.ValueFill Counter. It is taken from an observation with Observation.Code = Refills or Fill Counter. Column is shown if there is at least one activity with the said observation.
Service DateActivity.Start

Date of the provided service.

Settlement DateClaim.DateSettlement

Date the payer settles a claim.

Payment ReferenceClaim.PaymentReferenceUnique identifier for the payment transaction (cheque number, bank transfer number, payment voucher number).
Payment AmountActivity.PaymentAmount

Payment amount for an activity.

Denial CodeActivity.DenialCodeDenial code for a rejected activity.
Denial Reason
Denial code description.

Data in the worksheet is sorted by:

  1. Settlement Date, descending;
  2. Payer ID, ascending;
  3. Payment Reference, ascending;
  4. Claim.ID, ascending;
  5. Activity ID, ascending.