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Table of Contents


1. Create excel file

Create excel file in the following fomat: ExcelFileFormat in the configured directory (see 'Select folder where to expect Excel files' setting).


The following settings are required to be made for DoH Members Update via 'Excel':

1. Go to Greenrain Automation Settings


Select "DoH Members Update" tab and configure settings:

  1. 'Upload member details with data from DoH Personal Profile Service': should be checked.
  2. 'Flag 'Is Resident' is mandatory': set the flag to specify for UAE/non UAE resident the date will be received from DoH Personal Profile service.
  3. 'Person Profile data expiry interval": set '30' for example.
  4. 'Choose where Greenrain Automation will get data from':
    1. 'Excel' value should be selected from drop-down list.
    2. 'Select folder where to expect Excel files'. Specify the directory from which you want to retrieve data (excel file, see Preconditions p.1).
  5. Click "Save" button.

3. Check common configuration

DoH Members Update

"Run" link in the Toolbar allows a user to run the service at any time on demand (refer to Figure1.).

1. Check DoH Members Update

GA calls DoH Personal Profile Web Service and receives data:

UseCase1. 'Flag 'Is Resident' is mandatory' isn't set


  1. The following fields are used to retrieve members data:
    1. Emirates ID Number (if correct) or Unified Number;
    2. Date of Birth;
    3. Passport Number.

UseCase2. 'Flag 'Is Resident' is mandatory' is set


→ UAE residents.

  1. Set IsResident = to 'True' or 'Yes' (UAE residents): Emirates ID Number is used to retrieved Personal Profile data.
  2. IsResident = False or No (non UAE residents): Unified Number is used to retrieved Personal Profile data.
  3. see Preconditions).
  4. The following fields are used to retrieve members data:
    1. Emirates ID Number;
    2. Date of Birth;
    3. Passport Number.

UseCase3. 'Flag 'Is Resident' is mandatory' is set → not UAE residents.

  1. Set IsResident to 'False' or 'No' (see Preconditions).
  2. The following fields are used to retrieve members data:
    1. Unified Number;
    2. Date of Birth;
    3. Passport Number.

2. Check e-mail notification


"[GA, SUCCESSFUL] Successful DoH Members Update on <datatime>" is recieved with "DohMembersUpdate. DoH Updates Report". The data returned by DoH Personal Profile Web Service are marked with (DoH) prefix.

3. Check GA database


New record will be created in GA:DohMembers table (if absent for this member) with the returned data by DoH Personal Profile Web Service:

  1. PersonUnifiedNumber (DoH)
  2. PersonEmiratesIDNumber (DoH)
  3. PersonBirthDate (DoH)
  4. PersonPassportNumber (DoH)
  5. PersonFirstNameEn (DoH)
  6. PersonMiddleNameEn (DoH)
  7. PersonLastNameEn (DoH)
  8. PersonFirstNameAr (DoH)
  9. PersonMiddleNameAr (DoH)
  10. PersonLastNameAr (DoH)
  11. PersonNationalityCode (DoH)
  12. PersonCityCode (DoH)


  1. Incorrect combination of input data (Emirates ID Number Unified Number, Date of Birth, Passport Number): NO DATA FOUND.
  2. IsResident = True or Yes:
    1. Emirates ID Number = NULL or empty: "Emirates ID Number of the member can't be null or empty".
    2. Emirates ID Number Default Emirate ID Numbers: "Emirates ID Number may not have default value 999-9999-9999999-9 for UAE resident. This is DoH requirement to call DoH Personal Profile Service".
    3. Emirates ID Number/Date of Birth/Passport Number combination is incorrect: "INVALID <field name>".
  3. IsResident = False or No:
    1. Unified Number = NULL or empty: "Unified Number is the mandatory field for the non-UAE resident. This is the DoH requirement to call DoH Personal Profile Service."
    2. Unified Number <= 10: "Unified Number can't be less or equal 10."
    3. Unified Number is incorrect/Date of Birth/Passport Number combination: "INVALID <field name>".