An uploaded transaction is considered New if it is not downloaded yet by its receiver for the first time. Otherwise, a transaction is considered Downloaded. The sender of the transaction may also download the file but the status doesn't change in this case. New transactions are shown in bold on Download tab of Greenrain Messenger.
Sometimes happens that transactions are not downloaded by the receiver. Health Authorities do not Authority doesn't control when and how providers and payers download transactions from the Post Office. If one party uploads and downloads transactions successfully, then something might not work on the other side. If so, its IT department must take care of it.
There also can be a case when the receiver of a transaction gets the file by email or similar means and doesn't need to download the file from the Post Office.
From the sender perspective, as soon as a transaction is uploaded to the Post Office, they are fully compliant with Health Authority regulations. The fact that the other party doesn't download transactions is the responsibility of the other party.